What To Do If The Power Goes Out


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power outage in Markham

What To Do In Case Of A Power Outage In Markham

It’s a nice summer day with the sun shining, the birds singing, and wait, what’s that? The electricity just went out. You go to the electrical panel and check the fuses, still no electricity. You do a quick search for an electrician near me, and you get about 583,000,000 results. It makes you wonder if everyone in Markham is an electrician?

What should you do if the power in your home goes out?

First of all, don’t panic. If there is an issue in your home that caused the outage, don’t wait. Call a Markham electrician as soon as possible.

In most cases, natural disasters, accidents, or severe damage in your location’s electrical network cause prolonged power outages in Markham. You can tackle such power outages without much struggle if you are prepared.

1. Check The Distribution Panel (Circuit Breaker/Fuse Box)

Always check the distribution panel first. You should be familiar with the distribution panel in your home, so you know how it works. All breakers should be pointing to the “on” side unless a circuit was overloaded and tripped the breaker.

If there is a tripped breaker, it will have a visual cue like the handle pointing to the “off” side, or there will be a red or orange-colored indicator. If you find a tripped breaker, flip the handle back to the “on” side.

If none of the breakers are tripped, locate the main breaker, turn it off, and then back on. If you still have no electricity, then check the fuses. If any of the fuses are broken, you can fix the issue real quick by changing the fuse. If not, the cause of the power outage could be beyond your control.

Check If Your Neighbourhood Has Power

It’s easy to get on the road to see if your neighborhood has power. First, check the street lights, then check nearby properties. If you think none of them have power, then it is your power company’s turn to take things in their hands.

If your neighbors have power and you don’t, something is wrong with your power line. If you see it stay clear. Never go near a downed power line. Call your electric company and call for immediate help. In such cases, they would deal with the problem quickly or maybe within a few hours.

3. Call Your Power Company

After looking around the neighbourhood and still nothing, give your power company a call to notify them of the outage. If they are aware of the outage, a restoration update is usually available. 

Electrician restoring powerr

Tip – When the power is out, use your mobile phone sparingly so if you do need it later, it will be charged. 

4. Save Your Food

Try not to get into the refrigerator or freezer to help keep in the cold air. Air in the fridge and freezer will stay cold for a while after a power outage until you open the doors.

Remove perishable items, including medication, if you can tell the power to be off for an extended time. Besides, it is best to gather food items and medicines in one place safe from pests and airtight.

The Canadian Red Cross recommends that you have 72 hours of emergency supplies available in preparation for an emergency. They suggest that you have water, non-perishable food, medications, and personal supplies.

5. Use A Generator

If you own or use a generator, this would be an excellent time to use it, but only outdoors and away from windows. Generators are great for backup electricity but must be used following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Also, use it only for essential appliances. That way, you can stay powered for long than otherwise.

If the generator is connected directly to your home, it must be through an approved transfer panel and switch installed by a qualified electrician. You can plug appliances and lights directly into the generator. If you need to use extension cords, they must be adequately rated, CSA-approved cords. 

Call a Markham electrician to check them well ahead of any possible power outage situations.

6. Turn Off and Disconnect Appliances

When there’s a power outage it is best to keep your appliances switched off. When the power is restored, there may be a  power surge that could damage sensitive equipment like tools, laptops, computers, and televisions.

It is also advisable to turn your thermostat(s) down to the minimum to prevent damage from a power surge. Turn off all lights except one inside and one outside to help the crews restore power.

7. Call An Electrician In Markham

Electricity is not a DIY project and can be very dangerous if you don’t use the proper tools and have expertise. It is ideal to have a qualified professional electrician in Markham fix your electrical problems.

Call one of our local electric pros to get your electricity issues sorted out quickly and safely at affordable pricing. Taking the steps above will help you tackle the hurdles caused by power outages.

There are steps you can take before the blackout in preparation. Being prepared is not just for the Boyscouts; every homeowner should have an emergency plan and be prepared for power outages.

Some things you can do to prepare for a power outage:

  • Have flashlights and new batteries for every member of your home. 
  • Have a portable charger or a power bank ready for mobile phone charging. 
  • Must keep at least three days of emergency supplies, including any medication. 
  • Prepare an emergency plan and make sure everyone in the home knows about it. 
  • Stay updated about the whereabouts of your local municipality shelters and help centers. 
  • If possible, have a generator installed by a qualified professional.
  • If possible, have working carbon monoxide detectors installed with battery backup. 
  • Must have a plan for any household member that has special needs. 
  • Having a non-electric standby stove will help you keep your family from starving. 
  • Store at least a week’s worth of non-perishable foods and water. 

What to do after the power is restored.

Before turning everything back on, you should check for a few things first. Check for flooding in the basement or around the home. Never enter a flooded basement until it has been cleared by a professional. 

Once you are sure it’s safe, turn the main breaker and any other breaker switched off back on. It’s a good idea to let your electrical system stabilize before reconnecting appliances and tools. Work in steps when restoring the power in your home, starting with the thermostat.

After getting the heating/cooling system back on, wait a couple of minutes and reconnect the refrigerator and freezer. Wait for 15-20 min before turning on other appliances to allow the fridge and freezer to cool back down. 

Next, plugin the remainder of your appliances and tools. And, don’t forget to reset all your clocks, timers, and alarms. 

It’s always a good idea to check in on your neighbors that may need your help after an outage. 

Remember that electricity can be hazardous. If you are ever unsure, you should call your trusted Markham electrician standing by to help. Give us a call today!

We are your local Markham Electrician helping with all your electrical needs.

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